Belorusskaya AES

Belorusskaya AES


Republic of Belarus Grodno region





The Belarusian NPP is the first nuclear power plant under construction in Belarus in Ostrovets, Grodno region, of the NPP-2006 type, which for the Republic of Belarus will become the most important source of energy for the domestic electricity consumption market. The projected capacity of the Belarusian NPP is 2400 MW, divided into two power units of 1200 MW each.

By order of JSC IC ASE in 2016-2018, LLC Energeticheskiy Standart carried out a comprehensive supply of equipment for the Belarusian nuclear power plant, namely:

Power electrical equipment in the amount of 22 units produced by PJSC "Zaporizhtransformator":

two (2) controlled 330 kV 180 MVAr shunt reactors of the RTU-180000/330-U1 type for installation on a 330 kV ORU.
seven (7) block single-phase transformers of 330 kV with a capacity of 533 MVA of the ORDC-533000/330-U1 type
four (4) backup transformers of own 330 kV with a capacity of 80 MVA of the TRDN-80000/330-U1 type
six (6) 24 kV block transformers for own needs with a capacity of 80 MVA of the TRDN-80000/24-U1 type
one (1) emergency backup transformer of own needs 110 kV with a capacity of 16 MVA of the TDN-16000/110-U1 type
two (2) station service transformers 330 kV 40 MVA type TRANS-40000/330-U1


Capacitive equipment in the amount of 20 units of production of JSC "Sumy Frunze NPO":

eight (8) tanks of the respiratory system of the intermediate circuit without water trap V=5 m3;
two (2) tank breathing system of the intermediate circuit without water trap V=2 m3;
two (2) tank for storage of concentrated solutions of NaOH V=16 m3
four (4) of the tank's supply of chemicals in accordance with instructions V=15 m3
four (4) leak collection tanks lining the storage tank for high-concentration boric acid solution V=0.09 m3


Pumping equipment in the amount of 12 units produced by JSC "Sumy NPO":

six (6) condensate electric pump units Aksva 2000-100
six (6) Aksva 2200-220-2 condensate electric pump units

The equipment was manufactured in accordance with the norms and standards applicable to equipment intended for delivery to responsible nuclear power facilities, with control of the manufacturing process in accordance with approved quality plans and regular supervision of the manufacturing process by the Customer.

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Belorusskaya AES