Small and medium hydropower

Small and medium hydropower

On the basis of the company "Energy Standard" and a group of partner organizations, a consortium was formed to implement projects of small and medium hydroelectricity. Today the Consortium offers its services for the complex construction and modernization of small and medium-sized hydroelectric power generation facilities in the Russian Federation.

Ecology, energy and economics

Renewable energy sources

Text on english

Our Capabilities


Pre-design studies and surveys with the involvement of the best specialists from the leading Institutes of the Russian Federation and the CIS.


Coordination of the project with state regulatory authorities.


Development of the project and working documentation.


General contractor


Full range of automation of all production processes (SAUGA, APCS, etc.).

Институт Гидропроект

Full range of design and survey works

Уралэлектротяжмаш (УЭТМ)

Production of a wide range of electrical equipment.

Уралгидромаш (УГМ)

Production of hydropower and pumping equipment

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Small and medium hydropower